They are also sometimes stubborn, so training may be a challenge for novice owners. Collies are more likely than other breeds to develop compulsive behaviors because they are naturally quite obsessive dogs. Search our database of over 12348 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. They require constant work and care to live their best lives. I honestly hate to leave them because thats exactly what I want. With intense herding instincts (they were developed to gather and control sheep), they are best for active families who head outside often. Problems can include chewing holes in things, scraping at things, and digging holes. Border collies are very smart. Their coats require substantial time and effort and mud easily gets stuck to their long fur which can become matted if not groomed regularly. Medical Disclaimer:All content included on, such as text, images, graphics, or other material is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered a substitute for proper medical advice. This dog is high maintenance it needs training, stimulation and plenty of exercise. Most herding dogs, like those mentioned above, will sometimes nip at a persons feet or heels. These behaviors generally develop because a collies needs are not being met and can reduce the quality of your collies life. WebOwning a border collie is not easy. Even if they dont want to relax with you, theyll want to interact with you a lot of the time. Border collies make a wonderful companionship in which they love to be with you shoulder to shoulder. Border Collies will undoubtedly form a close bond with their owner, and while this is special and so rewarding, a first-time owner needs to know that this may cause them to be intolerant of being away from you. Whippets are truly the least smelly of dogs, so much so that they are practically odourless. Because of these traits, they are highly prized by professional dog trainers for their easy trainability. The shedding can be managed by biweekly brushing and regular grooming. Border Collie Hair Care (Complete Grooming Guide!). There is no point getting a lap dog if you plan to take it hiking. They are no lapdog theyll never settle down with you on the couch to watch a movie. After being bred exclusively to herd for centuries, they are also hard workers who never clock off which can be a problem. If you are a first-time dog owner, there are many things you need to learn about dogs. (The Dog Tired Truth Revealed! Think 30 minutes walking in the pouring rain is bad? Collies are prone to suffering separation anxiety and can become distressed if left alone for long periods. Before your visit to your Border Collie breeder, you will generally want to ask questions that are going to help you understand what to expect during the visit. Border collies are full of energy and need much more daily exercise than most other dog breeds. Are you considering getting a border collie? Since theyre also good at guarding, owners can use them for guarding property or livestock from predators, such as coyotes or mountain lions. Which one fits better in the office? Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs (clickbank, CJ, shareasale, impact radius, partnerize, Chewy), and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Currently, there is no solid scientific evidence on the difference between male and female Border Collie temperament. The more time you spend with your border collie, the stronger your relationship will become. Are you ready to have a dog that can be trained, trained, and trained even more? Although the Border Collie was bred along the border between Scotland and England, they do not come from either a Scottish or English breed. In family situations this can cause problems when the chosen leader is absent. You need to be creative with them when training! They are also very intelligent and need much more mental stimulation as well. You need to develop good bondage with your furry friend and healthy chemistry to know his expectations from you. Golden retrievers are loving and sweet-natured, adaptable, and outgoing. These dogs have thick necks that give them extra stability when chasing or retrieving objects. 10 Essential Training Tips! Collies are high maintenance dogs. Border collies are working canines and therefore need to be given a job every day; otherwise, they may turn to more destructive forms of entertainment. This is another reason to keep them busy, mentally stimulated, and well-socialized. In addition, pets with diarrhea or other intestinal illnesses may not be able to make it outside fast enough. They are a demanding breed to train as they need consistent reinforcement which requires a lot of time and patience. This will be shown as excessive barking, chewing on things, trying to show dominance, and having a lot of neurotic undesirable behaviors that will be hard to correct. Not all Border Collies bark a lot and you can train them not to bark, but it does take some time and effort. They would prefer to sleep indoors and be close to their humans overnight. As an Amazon Associate, The Collienois earns from qualifying purchases. They can also provide each other with much of their daily exercise as long as they are of a similar size. Then there are dogs like border collies that need lots of exercise and stimulation. They function best in homes that can provide them with the daily energy release they need. WebGood For First Time Owners. Here is a list of jobs that other owners have given their Border Collies. Border Collies are generally not an aggressive breed of dog. They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also require a lot of attention and training. They will be loyal loving companions always at your side, but when it comes to sleeping and resting they generally prefer their own space. Read more about the origins of Border Collies in our feature article here. When training them they may respond to every little movement you make trying to out-think you and respond ahead of your next move. We get out at least once a day but usually more. Border Collies are famous for using the eye staring intensely at members of the flock to intimidate them. But if you are the type of person who gets frustrated easily or wants a low-maintenance dog, we would not recommend getting one! Is this bad? But it has to be a good fit for all concerned and should this new companion be a Border Collie? However, while the Border collie may be a good family dog, its not good for every family. Questions to ask your Border Collie breeder before your visit. As a Chewy Associate The Collienois earns from qualifying purchases. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Making sure you choose the right breed of dog for your lifestyle is important. Border Collies are loyal, love to work hard and will give you hours of entertainment you will have to come up with plenty of new tricks to keep your Border Collie happy at home. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'trainingbuster_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); They also need multiple brisk walks or runs a day, especially if access to a spacious area is limited. Dogs in general are a lot of work, but certain breeds require more time and attention than others. And that isnt including mixes. Well, the biggest reason. Yes . It takes real dedication to live with a GSD, as the breed requires a substantial amount of mental and physical stimulation. Blu is a relatively small Borgi even by Border Collie Corgi mix standards. Ollie is a sweet 2.4 year old border collie. Do you have the patience to wash and dry your rough collie after every muddy walk? Reproduction without authorization is prohibited.All trademarks are property of their respective owners.Privacy | If you have any questions, please let me know. I agree that they have a good temperament, and If its really important to you that your Collie is protective of the home, you can always invest your time into training guard dog behaviours, but dont be too surprised if it isnt successful. The result, you have an accident prone dog who may make several trips to the vet over their lifetime. So yes, a Border Collie belonging to a first-time owner should be perfectly safe and happy living outside most of the time, unless a sound like fireworks or other What is this? A couple of these include nipping and motion sensitivity which are commonly seen in border collies. If you answered yes to all or most of these questions then a border collie might be for you. A Border Collie may be suitable for you if: A Border Collie may not be suitable for you if: Border Collies make amazing pets. ), but dont overdo it; going overboard and bathing your dog too frequently can irritate their skin. If you are a first-time dog owner with zero knowledge about pets, you can have a tough time dealing with this smart breed. Can Border Collies live in apartments? Are you ready to have a dog that needs to be constantly challenged? They can get this from learning new commands, tricks, or other working tasks. However, this is not always the case. Since they are herding dogs, border collies are full of energy. Instead, the Border Collie is actually a mix of a Roman herding breed and a Viking Spitz-variety herding breed. My partner and I decided to get a BC in April last year. This all sounds great until the task in hand is chasing a ball. border collies are good candidates for first-time owners. Maybe they are not as high energy as Im being led to believe? If you think their area is secure, think again, because its probably not. While 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dog They are perfect for herding dogs. One of the smartest Border Collies ever, named Chaser has learned over 1000 words including distinguishing nouns and verbs. Collies are usually not a good first dog, since inexperienced dog owners may be easily overwhelmed with collies unusually high requirements for training, exercise, and mental stimulation. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But is getting a Border Collie a good idea for a first-time dog owner? It is usually present at birth and can be detected at 6 weeks. Border Collies must begin training as soon as possible because they may become destructiveif not given enoughmental stimulation. Border Collies have a lot of appeal to potential dog owners. Many owners say that a Border Collie requires a house with an expansive yard, at the very least. If you are able to keep your Border Collie busy your rewards are a super fun, playful, sensitive, extroverted, and intelligent dog! In this article, were going to look at exactly what it takes to look after a collie, and what type of person a collie is suitable for. Twice a year they shed, even more, when they blow their coats (change coats for the seasons). If you do not want to spend a minimum hour per day simply maintaining a dogs coat, then its best to stay clear of rough collies. Known as the most intelligent of dog breeds, the border collie can be a devilish fiend when bored. They are known for their intelligence, athleticism, and trainability. They are very friendly and love their owners company. My collie is one of the most affectionate, caring, and friendly dogs I have ever seen. While they might not be the best dogs for first time owners, owners with experience can find them easy to train and eager to please!Which is better male or female Border Collie? Border collies are very passionate and energetic dogs. Collies require a specific positive training approach and they can suffer from traits that are difficult to train out of them without in depth knowledge of the breed, such as chasing cars and nipping. If you are interested in learning more about taking care of border collies, you can find a detailed guide on the blog. WebAre Border Collies good for first time owners? From understanding their behavior to keeping them safe and playing with them they offer advice and research-backed guidance on all aspects of owning a Border Collie. Some border collies like to play on the fringes around other dogs turning into dog park bullies who are on a mission to constantly micromanage every move other dogs make. If youre looking to get into agility training or just want a reliable and intelligent dog that will Some would say that Border Collies are not suitable for a first-time owner, while others say it is an excellent breed for a first-time owner. This isnt as much of a problem as it may seem, as long as you are putting in the effort to give them the best life possible. Their coat is a little different from a sheeps, though. If you want to adopt a border collie, and you are confused if the two of you will make a good match or not, you are in the right place. Yes, Border Collies can be great first-time dog owners. WebBorder Collies are not usually recommended for first-time dog owners. There are two types of collie: smooth and rough-coated. And its good manners extend to cats as well as people. Taking that into consideration, why wouldnt they be a good breed to start with? Dealing with a highly intelligent breed means theyre relatively easy to train. The truth of the matter is, ANY dog can bite. Even if you dont have those many advantages, if youre willing to invest time and love and efforts, youll get a wonderful dog that will bond with you really strongly. With family homes trending on the smaller side these days many people may not have the proper space a Border Collie needs. ), How to Teach your Collie to Dance (Walk on Two Legs), How to Teach your Collie to Cover Their Eyes (Peekaboo! We adorpted them. Training tips concerning attachment are provided. Pets provide a number of benefits to any household such as improving their familys overall fitness, lowering stress levels and helping to provide company that can combat loneliness and improves general mental well-being. As a breed, Border Collies are playful, intelligent dogs, who have traditionally herded sheep and cattle using their incredible unique stare called their eye all over the world. Owning a border collie is not easy. There are so many breeds of dogs out there it is crazy to think of. It made me think. WebWhat many people fail to realize, even long-standing Border Collie owners, is that the herding instinct is simply a modified version of the killing instinct of wolves. It is a place they feel safe once they understand what the crate is for. They are highly sensitive and intelligent breeds. Whether you own a toy poodle, standard poodle, or the larger version, this breed is both hypoallergenic and scores low in the odor department. Theyre intelligent, trainable and have many useful qualities as a family pet or working animal. If you take the time to introduce them properly over a few weeks, then they will be perfectly fine together. CL. It is always better to start with some easy dogs to learn and adopt basic things. Affiliate Disclosure: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. When looking after a dog, you must ensure you can provide your companion with the correct diet, grooming needs, and healthcare. Border Collies although easy to train are very high-energy and need Have you ever noticed that Border Collies are featured in many Hollywood movies, commercials, and hit tv shows? Are Border Collie-Dachshund mixes good for first-time owners? link to Are Border Collies One-person Dogs? They are intelligent, friendly, and active, but they also As a general rule you shouldnt walk a Border Collie for more than 5-minutes every month of age. Your Border Collie will be happiest when their day is full. Yes, Border Collies can be great first-time dog owners. They are a large, boisterous, and playful dog with the energy to keep going all day long. Growing up exploring the English countryside with his canine companion, he now has a family of his own and enjoys watching his children interact with animals - including Border Collies. Border Collies can thrive in a lot of situations if given the right guidance, but they can also turn into complete disasters if neglected even a little. A Border Collie may be challenging for a first-time dog owner, but with adequate training and care, it can become an extraordinary pet. They are also very sociable and will work well with other animals such as sheep or cattle. Collies require a minimum of two hours off leash exercise every single day and lots of mental stimulation too. This is because too much running and strain on their joints as a puppy can lead to joint issues in later age. For new dog owners it may be a shock to learn just how much of a commitment a dog requires as you are responsible for their health, happiness and general wellbeing. Not good for first time dog owners. The Border Collie definitely isnt content to be stuck in a yard all day long. Yes, Border Collies make brilliant family pets, but will need a home with a large garden where they can stretch their legs regularly. Adult dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesnt mean that they should. There are dogs playgrounds also near our house 10 minutes drive. If you arent willing to invest the time and cost into learning how to train and teach your Border Collie, then this isnt the right breed for you. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.