If you have fully studied the books, read the journals, and watched all the videos and been to the Symposiums, it will still do you no good if you dont study it as a little child and test it to see if it is a good seed. If I am to be responsible, it has to be based upon what I know is right instead of what someone else thinks or claims I should know to be right. Its not the Truth. That you accept me for who I am now instead of for what you want me to be, to be more like you. By wrapping his message in good principles, he carefully hides his original plan so that it is easier to embrace. Obscuring the nature and duration of his indecision when he wrote his 1838-39 history, he reported that "immediately" after he returned to Harmony, he received a revelation resolving the matter and that the plates and interpreters were returned after only "a few days." . Thats exactly how they are.. You spent a lot of time trying to dissect what I wrote. However, good and evil are not universal. That action is called repentance, restitution, guilt to correct or apologize. Evil is good and good is evil. I will no longer be a messenger to anyone who does not, with a sincere heart and real intent, desire to know what I know, and then, upon knowing it, fully respect and support it. Much of what you know comes through personal revelation, or at least I would hope. If you dont fully agree with them go and start your own movement. Christopher fully explains the temple endowment and is honest about its interpretation. He couldnt, but he is now. . humanityparty.com, The people of this world have ignored and discounted this groups message. Uncle Tom wasnt true either. Suddenly, I remembered the man in white and knew that God had sent Christopher Nemelka to help me. I expose this book as mischief beyond Cain as he attempted to hide his deed from an all knowing God. I dont really know everything yet as i move through the experience of life and learning the principles of the gospel, but I do know not to trust a person who deals in untruth. Christopher Nemelka comes across to me as a psychopath aka sociopath. If I used him as an excuse, then I have embraced his original position. The Book of Mormon teaches, along with D&C, that we can be one with the Son as He is one with the Father. The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Our military allows Israel to destroy Muslims when Israel doesnt believe in Christ and should be considered equal sinners in the eyes of a Christian. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. I dont thin your parents named you Real Truth by Fire. He says, I know these advanced human beings. . Nemelka announced to the crowd that he was going to finish a sermon that Joseph Smith failed to finish on June 16, 1844 a message that he believes was divinely preempted by a rain storm because Smith was about to tell what really happened in his First Vision. , these members realized how important the, were to the salvation of the human race. How can they be even close to a god? So why would not the modern prophets follow the same pattern. But I cant really tell from you emails what you believe. Are you therefore trusting in the arm of flesh with patriotism as an excuse to defer responsibility? Mnchen und Umgebung, Deutschland. It will all be taken care of for you and there are no consequences. Missionary work isnt conversion, it is service to others to help them live better lives and make better choices for themselves to ensure their happiness. Who questions someone who goes to church every Sunday? Maybe because of the reason the book said!. Here is one problem with what you believe. The Celestial Kingdom is the kingdom where we receive the greatest gifts and power, but truthfully all kingdoms are equal to one another, no one kingdom is better than another. In 1830, the Real Illuminati published a new American scripturethe Book of Mormon. If drinking and smoking and not being married to your sexual partner is what makes you happy then no church should tell you otherwise. That is, show us real truth. If anyone one has any information concerning the original sealed portion please comment below it will be greatly appreciated, thanks . Why would I think you are confronting me when you claim I am the great Korihor (whore) of the earth? Surely every Elder in this religion should be aware or have knowledge of these earlier writings, but yet I cannot find one bit of information concerning them on the internet, although I will continue searching until I do . I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. And Moses 7: But this claim pales in comparison to Christopher Marc Nemelkas belief that he is the reincarnated Hyrum Smith, the brother of Mormonisms founder, Joseph Smith. MILLCREEK It has been four months since investigators say Linda Nemelka was shot and killed in her car. Maybe you should go back to the Mormon Novel about the characters in the BOM that wanted to destroy each other because they were full of rage and anger. Even the Nephites had beliefs and prejudices that caused them to fall away in iniquity despite having a greater truth. Ive seen it, with these imperfect eyes. In religious terms, the second coming of Christ is when this time will begin! There are all kinds of grammatical and spelling errors a whole bunch of profanity and a lot of holes yet to fill in the narrative. Ive read it before its been published and I can tell you it is far beyond the knowledge of any religious work and it is deeply spiritual to those with a heart of humility and are as a child, willing to accept something totally new. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. This is a warning to the people and not for children. Nevertheless, there was no You are twisting what is good, putting it on its head, and saying it is evil in defense of a righteous God. crimes which he had done; therefore I have no interest in contacting your bishop, thats up to you. It brings them out of following after the arm of the flesh and to listen to the Spirit instead. Though there are many similarly distasteful doctrines by both of them, two wrongs dont make it right. I do understand you arent TRYING to attack me and judge me mercilessly, but just like every other religiously minded person I talk to, after you state this you again say something judgemental. Without this harmony and peace between one another, the only possible outcome is contention. And yet, still nothing about in in general conference. I was challenging everyone on these message boards to search for and find the truth in all things. There is no longer any hope for the people of this world. Still waiting for the 15 apostles to admit its true or say it isnt. It doesnt matter. LostMormonism grew out of our noteskeeping track of all the weird and wacky things we learned about Mormon history. It gives us a chance to have joys and success in this life as opposed to the suffering we cause ourselves when we fail to listen. good, and good evil, that put darkness Often many laws of churches and belief systems are confirmed by that same Spirit even when they are not LDS of origin. When I say you are misguided, I mean you dont understand what real truth is. We cant judge each other, but God can and will. All we need to do is ask for their help, as Marilyn did. To study it out of rejection from the start isnt giving it a proper test as the Book of Mormon says we must do with all things. If there a god who is father of our spirits? But in that society you would never feel any judgment at all. Why are we wasting time with it. Why bother with the expectations of relationships?! He seemed to be talking to someone behind me, saying: If we wrap a length of pantyhose around her arm, and inject her with heroin, this advanced human will sleep soundly.. Is it that theyre both wrong? These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. In the pre-mortal life (or during our foundationalization process) we were all innocent and therefore had to undergo opposition and how life should not be so that we could appreciate what Christ taught us in the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. They are not of the arm of flesh. You were the one who started on the offensive side of things, in our conversation with one another, and wanted to attack what I believe. He has also produced a text purporting to be from the large plates of Nephi, which was lost by Martin Harris as . I just cant get my head around the logic behind drawing truth from something you acknowledge is not real truth. Lots of counterfeits. Ive watched many shows and films with Christian standards that sometimes quite effectively teach the same principles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKdwhnXpOQ4, Hey dudes here is THUMPs explanation makes sense to me damn he fooled us. What the Holy Spirit tells an individual depends on what that person needs as an experience to have eternal joy and gain uniqueness and meaning in their lives. Ida Smith nevertheless had an intense, life-changing reaction when she read the book [the sealed portion revealed by Nemelka]. will not put my trust in the arm The Book of Mormon is written in the same format as the Bible to get people to pay attention. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. He does not declare that without the atonement, there is no salvation physical or spiritual. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. (LogOut/ I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. It is the easy way out. I just hope you can find a way to accept what you feel is true without stepping on what others find to be sacred and true. His writings can be found at www.marvelousworkandawonder.com. It's decision time First off, I would like to thank Utah State University - Jon M. Huntsman School of Business for the amazing opportunities I've had | 50 comments on LinkedIn (LogOut/ And that we remain humble because we realize we sin every day. All the individuals who go to church, from what I have heard from various testimonies, were those who still accepted the Sealed Portion as ultimate truth. Same with the other kingdoms. If the great apostasy really did occur, how can you say adults knew any more what is right than little children? My grandmother is no longer here and I dont know what happened to the books, however I do know that they exist and must have other copies out there. Since that time, I have slept peacefully every night and fully recovered from the cancer. What is about to happen has not happened before. If it were up to me, Id leave. I go to church every week. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their, shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation., It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. After all, much like the free market, God and the angels cant intervene into our free willwe must invite their help. There are two forces in conflict among mankind. John stated our spirits are made from the same matter as Gods and that we are connected to Him. But you end up having increased joy and freedom when you are finished. The works of the group mentioned above can be found and downloaded free of charge at the following websites: realilluminati.org Thats why he and those who embrace his teaching dislike judgement. I know whats happened. To me this is evidence of a cover up , so I ask the question why ? The former is a categorical denial of service that is deeply problematic. Joseph and Hyrum met their demise while incarcerated at the Carthage Jail in June 1844. Japan felt they were being attacked by the US with the oil embargo. I want to share a secret with you of the Spirit I think you would find helpful. We cannot be trusted with that power. There is a plurality of Gods, each one guides an individual human spirit. I We call this understanding the Real Truth. and partakers of the heavenly gift. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. Is Christ what he claims to be? They create a Christ that died on a cross for their sins. How does it witness against a book you didnt even bother to read? Whether you are a korihor or not is really up to you to figure out. It is the word of men.. I assume from what you wrote that the Sealed Portion in nothing more than a fictitious novel based on the Book Of Mormon. What matters more is the peace and happiness you find in it, even if it isnt what I feel about it. . We are near His return. :), Concerning confrontation. Paul saw things he said were unlawful to speak. It is only by showing others they are equal to us regardless of family, religious association, or acts of patriotism towards ones own country, that we will recognize one another as His children and no one will have the desire to raise a hand against another ever again. That was the plan he had that we rejected. All things shall be brought to the light, no one can escape it. He, like Smith, claimed God gave him a book(s) to write. All men were created equal. Your own message are intensely compact with many ideas that could create whole other conversations. And what allows us to have these things? Light shines the brightest in darkness. He wanted to tell the world on June 16th. Whats the need for separation just because one group believes differently than another? 5 And by the power of the Holy But there is something different about Snuffer. unto man that he should act for Power does not define importance as it does in this world when keeping in mind the perfect society held beyond the veil. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom, the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. They are good people who do the best they can. Nemelka insists that while working as a security guard in the Salt Lake temple on June 16, 1987, he was personally visited by Joseph Smith and told he was Smiths reincarnated brother. 14 There also came up a land out of the depth of the sea, and so great was the fear of the enemies of the people of God, that they fled and stood afar off and went upon the land which came up out of the depth of the sea. Perhaps I am not the Korihor you believe I am and that you have forgotten to look in the mirror, in self reflection, of what you have personally become. have charity they would not suffer There is no more purpose in it. You retain for yourself the right to discern and call the BOM deceptive, but get defensive when the same position is taken by others in disagreement with the Sealed Portion. There are wildly different and varying purposes because each God (or human being individual) is different from that of another. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. It was Gods prophet that struck Korihor mute. This information transcends anything the human race has discovered in the past, is discovering today, and will discover in the future. That is true judgement. I do respect your belief that holy scripture contains real truth and that it is the ultimate prize in heavenly knowledge. And, we love how Kristina captured the feeling of the shoot just perfectly - and don't worry, we'll be sharing more on this shoot VERY soon. To accomplish this, they invented, wrote, and published a new Christian narrative about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Christopher doesn't know that he is an avatar any more than a video game's avatar knows about or is aware of the person who created the avatar and is using it to play the game. That makes him more honest than the prophets. Salt Lake Tribune religion reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack recalls her interview with "Mormon bomber" Mark Hofmann and the fear that swept through the LDS history community in the wake of his . Thank you! In the course of my association with them, my mentors made sure that, through me, they accomplished all of the prophecies they incorporated into their new American scripture. . If the BOM is true, then the SP is not true because of what the BOM teaches, not to mention you also admit its not true. We will all be held accountable for what we know and what we do with what we know. Yea, amiss; therefore I will lift up my Visit the official Web site of "Marvelous Work and a Wonder" Visit the official Web site of Worldwide United Foundation (Links takes you outside the Rick A. Ross Institute web site) Christopher Nemelka to Confront His Critics A burning in Ida Smith's bosom leads her to Christopher Nemelka's new spiritual order Here, Nemelka made his appearance and proceeded to explain the significance of June 16 and his personal visitation by Joseph Smith in the Salt Lake temple in 1987. But it is not all there is. That all that is written is biased and prejudiced based on what they want the world to believe about Joseph Smith., In his speech, Nemelka explained that the Bible was invented by men, but that The Book of Mormon was erected by advanced human beings to counter the Bible. He claimed that God is nothing more than an advanced man and that it was an advanced human being that appeared to Joseph Smith when he was but a boy. Alma 30 Chris Nemelka. You do understand frame of reference dont you? I hope you believe what you have written, because I have serious doubts starting with Lehi being described a descendant of Ephraim. Doctrine never changes. I find that extremely puzzling. Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Stockholm County. The church works within the system and does nothing to change an obviously broken one. (LogOut/ The kind of problem that puts weapons in the hands of a child so he can feed his family in pride. Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the Book of Mormonthe early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. Thats the problem with claiming scripture is false, it falsifies everything, including what you use to justify your position of being taught by the Holy Ghost. Change). Repentance will lead us back to innocence whereas justification leads us back to sin and ultimate damnation. In 1830, the Real Illuminati published a new American scripturethe Book of Mormon. If we have no prophets to follow, which Christopher does not claim in any way, we only have ourselves to be responsible for our own actions. Scripture, while very good for those who find meaning in it, will never and has never contained real truth. Your emotional reactions to ideas are authentic, but you are not comparing ideas, people and situations accurately and fairly. And to respond without judgement and always offering friendship when possible. Joseph Smith once said, These people are either the biggest dupes that ever lived or I am not as bad as they make me out to be.. The Man from Joe's Bar and GrillThe Autobiography of Christopher Marc Nemelka will help any truth seeker to see through the lies presented on spurious websites and by unscrupulous individuals who mock Christopher and disparage his good name. I have seen the biography of Christopher Nemelka by Robert Pace on the comment above (youtube). He carefully lead them to embrace that there is no Christ. Yet many do. Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. We will each be judged for the intents of our hearts based on the knowledge we have in the circumstances in which we exist. Lebaron and Nemelka even established themselves a prophetic calling and created church organizations of their own. Instead they cover it up and reject a work that is based on the foundation of their WHOLE religion! In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. Personally I am still a member and teach gospel doctrine class. This warning is here as proof that adults often do not know right from wrong. If you want to talk about hypocrisy, what about saying that the Father loves each and every child of God but uses the church as an excuse to shun gays? Some misconceptions here about what I meant. And the Holy Ghost has been correct. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. It was convoluted when it came out in their little Catholic New Testament this way, The Kingdom of God is within you. Christ taught the people that the universe revolves around you each one of us. You say, New doesnt mean true, you can throw Mien Kampf, Origin of the Species and the Communist Manifesto into that category. Their imperfect actions and beliefs matter less than their pure hearts. Once the Holy Ghost is in the lives of those who repent and listen to its promptings, this is sufficient authority to guide personal actions. Yes, it is if you are LDS. Korihor would tell me to leave. Christopher Nemelka. The Sealed Portion is not claimed to be anything other than a book of ideas and stories that help someone think for themselves and remove prejudice. Your truth is a book you stated is NOT THE REAL TRUTH. He taught Peter James and John things he didnt teach the 12. Sometimes, when I meditate on that moment, I can still see the man in white with bloodshot eyes, and I know he is my guardian angel. I certainly do not think so especially after my encounter with one. Satan is the father of all lies no matter how cleaver they are. What is about to happen has not happened before. Please pick a better explanation for the phenomenon of this long-form religious text; youre making us look bad. Salt Lake City, UT 84121-1022 West Valley City, UT 84119-1883 Murray, UT 84121-1022 I guess that would be pretty flattering to me, but that is not my desire at all. There is no lesser glory, they are all equal but different. What you have to look at here is Nemelka has been divorsed 5 times. And that doesnt work if the world refuses to embrace it. This planet we call earth is filled with ignorance but that doesnt diminish my love and friendship towards them. Seriously, people? Here you will find information pertaining to the veracity of the so-called "Sealed Portion" of the Book of Mormon. The only preach for material gain and the glory of men. That being said, Christopher might be harmless.I never said anything to the contrary. In addition, like most of all the visions, your spirit leaves your body, you body isnt changed for a while then changed back. Anti Christopher (Lock him up and throw away the key) He does not get what life is all about). We can find truth everywhere if we know where to look. We are not scholars or historians and we are not attempting to be the detailed authority on any of these topics. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830, , I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004, was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a. with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. It is clear to me that we are not in Gods presence and there is no true Zion.