Communicate with your assignment officer routinely, especially if you are in the cycle to move. Rate free field grade oer support form example. new year new NCOER program this helps a lot! If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. There is a symbiotic relationship between family peace and work productivity. You're just asking for sleepless nights. Hard work is only part of achieving your goal; developing a solid network is another. thank you Sir!! Army Regulation 614-100, Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers, offers detailed insight on assignment policies. Usually, when things get to the point where character references are requested, the person is in potentially serious trouble and his career is on the line. Furthermore, I served with CW3 Texas-Ranger in Fort Hood, TX, and Bagram, Afghanistan. DA Form 67-10-2. Provide narrative comments which demonstrate performance regarding field grade competencies and attributes in the Rated Officer's current duty position. (Rated officer's signature verifies officer has seen completed OER Parts I-VI and the administrative data is correct) al. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. One of a major's first priorities is to complete the Command and General Staff Officers Course regardless of assigned method. Intermediate Rater Qualifications. o demanded quality in all actions and assigned tasks; committed to excellence. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. HELP! Sample Army OER Bullets & Comments. 2. At the very least, a suspended discharge would allow SPC Smith the opportunity to continue his service while demonstrating his commitment to the Army. During this rating period, CPT Holmes has demonstrated that he is an excellent Officer and company commander. MSAF information was a data point collected on DA Form 67-10 series OERs dated Nov 2015. An NCOIC or manager would normally be considered to be impartial due to the enforced distance and formality required by a supervisor/subordinate relationship and because of the integrity a senior NCO is assumed to have. I currently senior rate 23 Army Officers in this grade. ". Assuming that you are the rater and not senior rater keep in mind that you are charged with only rating the officers performance during the last rated period. Satisfied. Despite his young age, he is one our most mature Soldiers and never has to be told what his job is or be reminded to do something. Assignment officers have an obligation to place the best officers in the right organizations to benefit the Army. " You lead by example. FIELD GRADE PLATE (04 For use of this form, a. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . A key part of the new OER system will be to ask raters to make determinations about what an officer is capable of, and what suggestions there might be for how the officer can be better developed . My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. 43. Officers may have promotion to lieutenant colonel basically locked, but the probability of being selected for battalion command may be lower. He is easily in the top three junior NCOs that I have had the pleasure of working with. SPC Smith is a quiet, soft-spoken individual who often keeps to himself. Our state browser-based blanks and crystal-clear recommendations eliminate human-prone errors. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. For these reasons, it is my humble recommendation that CW3 Texas-Ranger is advanced to CW4. 04-PUB NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGNERS (NOFORN) 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA. And the members who will be judging the case don't care if you use bad grammar. At that time, LCpl Trejo displayed himself in a manner that was well above reproach. EMAIL ADDRESS (.gov or .mil) . This will suggest to the reader that the incident was a one-time, out-of-character act, not likely to be repeated. o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision, o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments, o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness, o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices, o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers, o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills, o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission, o failed to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision, o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers, o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results, o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills, o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills, o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results, o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates, o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example. What's outrageous is that we are still outraged and we pretend it shouldn't happen. . The transition process can be stressful on everyone; however, if these identified aspects are taken into consideration, friction will be reduced. If possible, these additional positive attributes should overlap with or complement your main assertion. Here is where you make the case for the subject by describing your experiences with him or her and giving examples of the subject's good qualities. The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: - Character. SPC Smith always maintains a very high standard of dress and appearance. (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, I can be reached at DSN 123-4567. 45- The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. I am SSG Ricky Bobby and am writing on behalf of CW3 Walker Texas-Ranger. Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3, Officer Professional Development and Career Management, states that the length of a KD position should range from 12 months to 24 months. The first sentence should state your overall opinion of the subject and everything else written should support that statement. As a point of clarity, units and officers must understand that vacancies do not equate to validated fills. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Fill oer support form character bullets: Try Risk Free. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) HELIXON, WILLIAM, M g. UNIT, ORG., STATION, ZIP CODE OR APO, 05; CW3 - CW5) OFFICER EVALUATION REPORT see AR 623-3; the prwonent agency is DCS, G-1 PART I - ADMINISTRATIVE (Rated Officer) . Soldiers need their raters to transparently communicate how their performance and potential will be evaluated. Top third officers are on track for promotion and will compete extremely well for battalion command. d. Evaluation Reporting System process. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. LEAD. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. In my professional opinion as one of his mentors, and as a witness of SSG Deleon's moral character, I truly believe that he is an asset to the United States Army. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. And the supplemental NCOER? In fact, I once heard our Maintenance NCO praise him at a meeting with the NCOIC, saying he wished he had more Soldiers like him. He is one of the most calm members of our work center. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SGT Jones. Your statement will represent both you and the subject and its appearance will have some influence. - Presence. The end state is getting the right Soldier with the right qualifications to the right place at the right time. When it came to Recruiting, LCpl Trejo was very motivated and impressive. Each officer has a specific YMAV or DEROS that identifies when they are eligible to move. Not once did he complain about making telephone calls, visiting high schools, or area canvassing the streets and Subways of Brooklyn, NY. Middle third officers are on track for promotion but will not compete as well for battalion command. Verify. o Updates policy authorizing officer evaluation reports for United States Army Reserve officers in the rank of major general (paras 1-7 and 3-2). I remember one incident that illustrates his non-confrontational nature. o expressed himself in an open and candid manner; facilitated teamwork. Provide rater and senior rater support forms. The establishment of realistic career goals is paramount to successfully managing expectations. For example, assuming there is nothing unusually good or bad to say about an officer, what have you put down for Character and . Make it as presentable as possible. PERIOD'COVERED:'''!FROM%(YYYYMMDD)!THRU%(YYYYMMDD)! Senior leader involvement in the talent management process encourages officers to build a solid reach-back network. The Army rolled out a new support form. Contact Disclaimer. NAME OF RATER (Last, First, Middle Initial) a5. c.#1)#Character:! Organizations should communicate routinely with their assigned account managers in order to effectively influence the process. Covey's third principle, which he calls "put first things first," helps leaders to discern urgency from importance. The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: First and foremost, I have one thing to say: ADRP 6-22 (. The important thing is that you cared enough and took the trouble to write. Some of these are more obvious than others, but some are not so much. You must be ready to make decisions, move the mission forward, and lead by example. LCpl Trejo was soon promoted to Corporal, then shortly met me at the rank of Sergeant, and eventually being promoted to his current rank of Staff Sergeant. Despite the unjustified provocation, SPC Morrison remained calm and in a respectful manner, explained our situation, and then just walked away. Based on my experience and observations working alongside of SSgt Trejo, I highly recommend him for retention in the United States Marine Corps. Size:60.77 KB. I first met SGT Jones in April 2011 at WLC, on Ft Stewart. He carried himself with respect, maturity, honor, and never ceased to display Marine Corps Values. Combat training center and joint assignments represent the next target. The current OER character/ line boundaries are (approximately): Rater (for Field Grade OERs): o Character4 lines/ @61 words The submission of a detailed MER is critical to enabling HRC to select the right officers for specific organizational requirements. In most cases, one OER can separate officers in the top third from those in the middle third. What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? DA Form 2166-8 for NCOER DA Form 2166-9-1A. And, in her defense, she had the integrity to immediately acknowledge her mistake and take care of it immediately. To do otherwise would hurt your reputation and possibly make you subject to UCMJ action. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. The DA Form 1059 is what? The more distant the relationship, the more credible the letter will be perceived to be. The same applies to outstanding performance. Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. Examples can be posted by using the form below. Once a space is open and a validated requisition is created, it is up to the assignment officer to find the best qualified officer. Platoon Sergeant, FROM: GUNNERY SERGEANT DEKINDEREN, TODD M. 1271676243/1833 USMC, SUBJECT: CHARACTER STATEMENT FOR STAFF SERGEANT TREJO, MARIO Raters and SRs should do their work. judicious in their comments. c. COMMENTS . This article was published in the July-August 2018 issue of Army Sustainment magazine. Because he or she is being judged by strangers who don't know him, character statements will be required for his defense. SSG Deleon displayed an unmatched work ethic. I am aware of the punishment that SGT Jones could be given. 30 days or first drill if reserve component. Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. HELP! Reference Army Regulation 623-105. Develop - Leaders foster teamwork; express care for individuals; promote learning; maintain expertise, skills and self-awareness; coach, counsel and mentor others; foster job development, and steward the profession of Arms. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. TO BEGIN THE OER, CLICK ON THE "RATED SOLDIER TAB" AT THE TOP OF THE OER SHELL AND COMPLETE BLANKS AS REQUIRED USING INFO BELOW: ----- (Admin Data - Rated Soldier Tab) RATED OFFICER: VO, SON L . This has not been an issue with me when working with him. Field grade officers care about your role more than others Footnotes. Answer (1 of 5): "Company grade" officers are junior executives in the grades of lieutenants (second and first) and captains (O-1 through O-3). Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. Rater Responsibilities. The Army wants specifics on AR 623-3 and DA form 67-10-1a. DSN 530-XXXX. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. The Army can and has moved surprisingly swiftly to discharge offenders and your statement will have a lot of weight in determining the subject's fate and may just save him or her from being discharged. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. However, with our pre-built online templates, everything gets simpler. Leading by example is a manifestation of character and presence attributes." (FM 6-22 Leader Development, 7-23) . At the conclusion of your Army career, your family is going to remain the most important aspect of your life. Third, it provides an underlying logic or set of business rules. He holds a master's degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies. SSN#(or#DOD#ID#No.)! His drive and motivation played a key role in the accomplishment of the Unit's mission: taking civilians, turning them into Infantrymen and training them to be the Force's future leaders. $84 million contract awarded for Excalibur replenishment, Army initiates corrections to criminal database, Army officer part of newly resumed cooperation for International Space Station, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Sarah Stone is just one of four, Army CIO speaks at Army Europe and Africa 2022 Cybersecurity Summit, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Mr. Douglas Bush, ASA for AL&T, July 27, 2022, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Dr. Raj Iyer, Army Chief Information Officer, and LTG John B. Morrison, Jr., Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-6 June 09, 2022, Army Inspector General starts New Soldier Experience inspection, Vietnamese-American service members parallel paths to the American dream, Bengali chief warrant officer finds the American dream through serving, U.S. Army STAND-TO! ". SFC, USA This is important. 15 Rater Assessment: Field Grade Form Narrative comments focused on performance in line with field grade competencies and attributes Limited to 5 lines of text Performance based assessment; no comment on potential d2. I am directly responsible to my commanding officer for the effective and efficient daily operations and mission. ". o Incorporates Army Directive 2015-11, Unmasking of Army Officer Evaluation He completes all tasks I ask of him and has often shown initiative and motivation with other tasks. What are best command practices for closing down battalions? He has never been in trouble before or involved in any kind of altercation. 3. Open communication will enhance the process immensely. However, if someone strives to become a battalion commander, previous senior rater comments will carry enormous weight during the selection process. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. What I have personally witnessed of SGT Jones' character does not indicate a person that poses a threat to the professional image and integrity of our Army. 4.3. Good mentorship and leadership will provide him the foundation he requires to continue to be an asset. I have the opportunity to work with SPC Smith when I provide nurse coverage for the ground transportation of patients in the aerovac system. The DA Form 67-10-2 evaluates an applicant's ability to perform duties and assesses their character. Lt. Col. Charles L. Montgomery is the commander of the 123rd Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas. I currently serve as a Mortar Platoon Sergeant in 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. Ask your co-workers too. Second, it articulates what is important. It is completely out of character for him and I can't help but wonder if there were mitigating circumstances. Having a clear understanding of your left and right parameters will ease tensions during the transition process. Officer Fitrep Bullets. Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. My Name is SFC Ryan P. Fasano. HRC will continue to move personnel in predefined cycles, and senior leaders must not shy away from being involved in the process early. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SSG Alfred M. Deleon. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. In this case, a middle third officer may have the right skills and experiences to supersede a top third officer. AR 623-3. ch 1-8 Standards of Service. He will be grateful for any effort on his behalf. If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. I know SGT Jones has dedicated her life to the Army is an integral part of it. Now, creating a OER Support Form Example Bullets PDF takes a maximum of 5 minutes. What is the form number OER for Company grade officers? Field Grade Officers play team ball. HRC account managers are responsible for representing their assigned units' requirements. CW3 Texas-Ranger and I were never assigned to the same section at either location. From an assignments perspective, the goal is to match the right skills and experiences to the right position. " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. She embodies her job as assignments manager and places her job and the Army first in her life, and wouldn't have it any other way. The Army will also implement a rater profile for the company and field-grade officer plates; emphasize recommendations for future operational and career broadening opportunities on the field grade plate; redefine the senior-rater box check; and limit the use of intermediate raters to special branches and dual-supervision situations. Leaders should expect the MER approximately six months before the cycle opens. Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Contact Disclaimer, non-confrontational, calm, patient, cooperative, dependable, thoroughly follows instructions, fair, competent leader, responsible, mature, good listener, good communicator, counselor, determined, driven, persevering, diligent, works independently, without supervision, has initiative, involved, invested, committed, loyal, devoted. I recommend supporting him with his request to stay in the Army. Therefore, an account manager's concern is filling "spaces.". EDIPI: 1298475886/USMC. Finally, account managers and assignment officers have different responsibilities. Make sure you address the type of behavior that the person is accused of having. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. Does anyone besides me still think it is outrageous that OERs/NCOERs are sometimes filled out and written by the the person who's ER it is. For example, a central theme of respect for authority and a natural willingness to follow orders would be supported by additional positive attributes of dedication to duty, an understanding of the need for order, and a positive attitude. If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. NAME:! In general, character statements have three sections: Introduction. Rater profile established for raters of company and field grade officers Maintain less than 50% of reports written by grade in the "Excels" box (for raters of LTCs and below) Flexibility - Raters have a "credit" of 3 in the "Proficient" box to start profile Rater OER profiles calculated based on Profile LOCK date as evidenced by . SSgt Trejo's overall dedication, passion, and love for the Marine Corps is something I wish to see in every Marine. Normally a single paragraph of a couple of sentences explaining who you are (rank, place of work, etc) and your relationship with the subject (co-worker, friend, supervisor, etc). Writing an OER support form. The most effective and meaningful character statements are those written by people who have known the accused person for a long time and who can be considered to be impartial. No less than 6 hours. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Army Civil Works announces publication of a formal review for Nationwide Permit 12, October 2017 Nominative Sergeants Major Assignments. Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. If you are called on to write a character statement on someone's behalf, make sure what you write is 100% factual. KD opportunities may affect what type of battalion an officer will command; however, the key to success is to perform well regardless of the position. Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. That was very much the norm, especially in TPU status but I think the new entry system makes that more dofficult since the rated soldier can't open their eval. Leadership. The Assignment Interactive Module II allows complete transparency for units and individual officers. Put first things first, and place your efforts on the immediate next step of getting promoted to lieutenant colonel. Unfortunately, it presents the impression that a senior rater's evaluation of an officer is based in large part upon (1) rater's OER comments & suggested senior rater comments, plus (hopefully) an OER support form that was not crammed together at the end of the rating period simply for evaluation purposes, (2) informal verbal comments from . Size:80.42 KB. Please know that I just copied these from my own OERs (I did change my name and unit though). I understand that he must be held accountable for his actions and punishment will be administered. The nomination process begins with notifying the brigade commander and the selected officer about a nominative assignment. I have been informed by SGT Jones about the situation that she is currently in. CW3 Texas-Ranger never failed to uphold the Army Values and consistently embodied technical and tactical proficiency. Talent management must be viewed holistically. CLICK ON THE "CREATE OER TAB" at the top which will pull the basic admin data from the existing support form into an OER shell. Take the time to make the next move a family decision and not just about the position available. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. Oraganized by categories: Character, Presence, Intellect, Leads, Develops, and Achieves. In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. This group of officers is targeted for areas that allow more opportunities to strengthen their files. dl- Character (Adherence to Army Values, Empathy, and You must justify through detail why you think an officer deserves an outstanding rating. They have a total of 22 years in Major key development positions . Normally must serve 90 days. (See figure 1.) He is a graduate of Intermediate Level Education, Pathfinder School, Airborne School, the Joint Planners Course, the Joint Firepower Course, and the Mobilization and Deployment Course. Being a leader is where SSG Deleon shined the most. I have known (SSgt) Trejo, Mario since December of 2010 when I was a Sergeant serving as a Canvassing Recruiter with 1st Marine Corps District, Recruiting Station New York, Recruiting Sub-station (RSS) Brooklyn. (FITREP), Air Force's Officer Performance Report (OPR), or the Army's Officer Evaluation Report (OER), each of these records has the greatest impact on each officer's military career and promotion opportunities. Closing. This can be hard because you have limited space, so focus on the facts. Talent management encompasses multiple data points so that leaders can make the most informed organizational decisions. Serving in the Army is a great opportunity, but it represents a short time in our lives. Type your statement and print it on good quality paper. I call upon him frequently during unit PT sessions to assist others with their running and endurance. The Master Sergeant apparently thought we were assigned to his work detail and blasted us with insults and even put his hand on SPC Morrison's shoulder as if he was going to arrest him. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. He is one of our best troops and I would not hesitate to recommend him for retention and promotion. Officers projecting five-to-10 years into the future tend to lose sight of the criticality of their current performance, which jeopardizes growth potential. The reader will automatically assign a certain level of credibility to the letter based on the relationship. These documents will provide the rated Soldier essential rating chain direction and focus to aid in developing his or her support form. Field grade officer are rated on what form? For example: OUTSTANDING LEADER: Lead a 25 man platoon into Afghanistan for a 60 day security mission. I have worked with SPC Morrison (as a co-worker and now as a supervisor) for almost two years and in that time I have never seen him lose his temper or even raise his voice to anyone. It is a sign of lazy leadership if your leaders cant perform the duties expected of them, especially when properly evaluating and rating the soldiers/officers beneath them. If someone has been accused of insubordination, a character statement for that person should address your direct knowledge of that person's respect for authority and willingness to follow orders with examples if possible. Stephen R. Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" highlights a principle that is one of the most underrated by field-grade officers. Should only be used for: The best Most Qualified (MQ) reports within a mature profile Highly Qualified (HQ) reports that follow an MQ for same rated officer with discretion, for the very best officers with HQ reports in small