There have also been reports over the last week that lots of artists are turning down the chance to play at the coronation concert. Someone else is seeing what we are seeing. But then we are talking about a country with apartheid as its legacy, and with politicians who cannot be trusted except to line their own pockets. The planet which rules stamps, paperwork, contracts, announcements going backwards both as our late Queen passes away, and also on the proposed date of the coronation itself. If she actually has a certificate of marriage prior to the supposed real event, she risks the legitimacy of her children as royal heirs. Im psychic too and dont do enough with it but Spirit are calling me back to doing light work again. Aries (March 21 to April 19): 2022 is a year of change for you, so be prepared to be adaptable and flexible. I agree that its about time that the truth about Diana and Dodis death should be revealed and I hope that Harrys book will eventually trigger a healthy motivation regarding that mystery. Surely his brother and father will lead by example and forgive him, acting like the Kings and Heads of the Church of England they were born to be. Best, Cecelia, Another fascinating article. Currently feeling strangled and need a break.thank you Jessica. Penny Thornton continues: There is a YouTube video by a Queen Gurty, entitled Moonbump Compilation, where, alongside more photos of MMs bump appearing to go up and down, there is a video of the purported moonbump appearing to sway. The noise was eerie; it was as if an angry spirit was near me. Whilst we have only yet seen extracts from the text, JR Moehringer may well have represented Harrys voice with outstanding accuracy, including confusion, memory lapses, dysregulated emotions etc. The post of Earl Marshal has been held by the Dukes of Norfolk since 1672. Ill go and look at Neil Sean on YouTube; thank you for the suggestion. I would like to echo LizAs comment above and thank you for hosting and facilitating this safe, properly moderated forum for those of us with inquiring minds in this matter, which has put many an antenna up. Biography. If we are about to see an echo of the Regency (last seen on the same cycle 248 years ago) he could do it. Harry Styles 2018 Horoscope And Astrology Name: Harry Styles Date of Birth: Tuesday, February 01, 1994 Time of Birth: 00:00:00 Place of Birth: Redditch Longitude: 1 W 50 Latitude: 52 N 30 Time Zone: 0.0 Information Source: Dirty Data AstroSage Rating: Dirty Data Harry Styles Horoscope About Harry Styles Harry Styles Love Horoscope This was also the year George III, suffering from what is believed to be bipolar disorder, was replaced by his son, George IV, the Prince Regent. Ive always been a bit meh about Prince William (not the least because as a little girl I felt rather aggrieved that hed had the audacity to be born on my birthday) but I feel terribly sorry for him now and admire the lack of public response. On a practical note, the paperback mass-market edition of Spare will benefit from a front-page story, so it is likely to be about Harrys paternity, or the unlawful killing of Diana. Especially since her dearest friend Anderson knows everybody who is a member at Soho house, not just that, there are pictures of him and Prince Andrew on a yacht together with some other people, there is no way anybody can tell me that he did not tell her being on vacation elbow to elbow suntanning and drinking gin and tonics with the Prince. This has been a really popular point of discussion. I didnt know Harry and Meghan were married over the tomb of Henry VIII so that is fascinating, given we are about to be tipped into the same astrology cycle (Pluto in Aquarius) that saw off Henry VIII and brought in Mary and Elizabeth. As you mentioned, they would have had a great opportunity for a duet, but they chose a duel, IF the intention is a genuine desire to do positive things in this world. Then the other day I was reading snippets that had been leaked from Harrys book where he calls Camilla dangerous and says that her road to redemption in the publics eyes is littered with bodies. The public, his fans, think they know him . It may be completely made up, Im sorry I dont know how to fact check, but if there is any truth it is fascinating. We walked around it and my husband stepped away from me towards the lake to look at something. Solidarity and unity between us, stop him. Perhaps she secretly did, maybe under another name. Or if it relates to weddings , one of the internet rumours/gossip Ive seen put forward purports to an early alleged MM marriage annulment. The Behaviour Panel, 3 Americans and 1 Briton. It left me wondering about the danger of a stroke for King Charles with the blame being stress of family tensions. We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. For the record, Welby did admit to the first exchange of vows, once Meghan had revealed the secret in the interview with Oprah Winfrey. What on earth was going on in America, in the years that Andrew was a target and then Meghan appeared (meeting story details may vary). If that was my partner I wouldnt be able to get them to a therapist fast enough. The interview could have gone out any time. The revolution chart for Russia has the Ascendant at 28 Sagittarius. There may also be very good reasons why you are fed up. The other issue is the reports, on 16th January, that the Archbishop of Canterbury intended to hold a summit with the family by April. It is a competitive game to them. The bridesmaids dresses did not fit. If it hasnt happened for Spare, Im sure an AI based biography is close to becoming a reality. A long way to saythrough this lens you present (theres more than meets the eye and its a global operation), it makes sense why Ive been unsatisfied with the surface story; so this post is very liberating. It is part of Harry and Meghans form, to disrupt. I do hope that HArry finds what he is looking for and there is some reconcilation eventually. You would not buy a home with a council you know is bullying in nature, or move into an apartment with a flatmate who feels like a Plutocrat. And yet Meghan and Harry could have chosen to behave properly, fit in with the family and become Williams chosen substitutes in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. I personally do not see them lasting long, and I feel that he will be the one who will suffer the most.only time will tell. I then drew my daily tarot, and was quite struck to see Ace of Swords. In fact, it ran a feature (above) questioning his choice of wedding garb. It remains a dreadful tragedy but I think it is also true that Diana does a huge amount in spirit for the things she believed in, while alive. Wow I gasped when I read this that you wrote- But I agree with you. I am hopeful by the astrology you have presented regarding how we as humans (no matter who we are) will evolve and move forward as a better soul community and things like cycle of perniciousness gossip that pervades our society will be dissolved. To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. Not only the usual 2023 predictions but also so many questions for me about Harry. Those early kings I mentioned had lots of sibling issues too, but surprisingly there were also some very close and loving siblings who supported one another when the chips were absolutely down- The Empress Matilda and her brother Robert of Gloucester immediately come to mind. For astrologers, many of whom are joining the discussion, youre watching transits to Uranus at 9 Sagittarius in the Ninth House in opposition to Chiron at 8 Gemini. Logic tells us that people who have never been satisfied to put up and shut up, will speak up, before the proposed coronation date for Charles III. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. We still have three tv interviews before us. This is such a terrific comment on Meghan and Harry (the reality TV show). I suppose time will tell. This will be my last post on the subject of Harry. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. Overthinking much? We are living through Neptune in Pisces. Russia gains because Vladimir Putin is so threatened by NATO and the unity of the allies. So because Putin has a motive and some planets in a horoscope, Harry is directed by the Russians? . When its good, its brilliant when its bad, its awful. re your theory re US-UK relationship, do Meghan & Harry actually know theyre part of that? Why did she not put her seat belt on during a car chase, even if she had never done so on leaving the Ritz? I agree with everyone that we are being played and I keep hearing who is directing it ?and who is the producer of this shakespearen drama in front of us? Time Magazine ran an article by Suyin Haynes on Hayleys book on 2nd December, 2019, in which the following paragraph appears: Two months before her execution, Boleyn was involved in passing nationwide legislation titled the Poor Law, which stated that local officials should find work for the unemployed. You are solely responsible for what you post. Curiously, the Mutiny on the Bounty has a part to play in all this, as its protagonist is buried just near the palace. You are not seeing my time zone; you are seeing yours. The weather returned to normal but with a light drizzle. In the process he just confirmed that the BRF are only flawed humans, just like the rest of us, albeit privileged beyond words. It appears that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby may be tapped into to help mediate on possible peace talks between Harry & KC/William! That is not auspicious. This historic shift of Saturn out of Aquarius and into Pisces; Pluto out of Capricorn and into Aquarius affects the whole Royal Family. The reason we are feeling it in January 2023 is the Aquarius weather which precedes Pluto in Aquarius, up ahead at the end of March. This is beginning to look like batten down the hatches and also umbrellas up for the younger Royals, The Royal family manage their inheritance because they produce the heirs and spares who rule Britain and the Commonwealth. There is at least the 2026 cut-off year for all these wired, wild, unstable trends. I recently came across an article that M is a project of the Chinese special services, it was a retelling of an interview with a retired employee. When Diana died, her butler Paul Burrell took the tapes and after a court battle Peter Settelen was only able to recover part of the whole collection. That chart cuts through a lot of static for we, the people of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth (and he has a position of power over us, as Australians in particular can tell you). (who has connections to Russia) I am also seeing calls for Harry to be removed from leading the Invictus Games, and from any charities involving children and teens, which will most likely humiliate and devastate him. I said this a few years ago, but the parallels with the chart of Princess Margaret are striking. Though nowadays it is more concerned with state funerals, coronations and matters of heraldry. One tiara and two homes, youd thinkFortunately the chart with its Sagittarius aspects not only underlines that it also underlines The Commonwealth. (I wish it were 24 March already so wed know what happens but, equally Im quite fearful of who of the loyal RF members might be hurt in this unfolding). Theres also that classic self-indulgence and clueless Marie Antoinette mentality that you see as Pluto in Capricorn subsides, to be replaced by Pluto in Aquarius. A security guard? As we are now approaching 350 comments on this story, I am not changing the original prediction, but I will add to the information in these discussions. Even the use of the name Harold in Spare and the fight mimics The Bayeux Tapestry Harold and William at war. Thank you Michelle. The fight would make their relationship stronger. People are older. WOW! I did a quick check on British postage stamps which began during Queen Victorias time. Meghans horoscope shows a fantastic new role involving children in 2019. Yes, its something our late Queen would never have done. A handsome blonde giant at 64, fierce warrior and a Yorkist King of England twice over (1461-1470 & 1471-1483), taking over from the Lancastrian King Henry VI on both occasions. The question of Harrys paternity is something he raises in Spare and the usual line is, about one of Dianas known lovers, and the unsuitability of the timing. That said, in the past, a crown was evident more often than not on stamps and coins, but it may be too early to form a definite conclusion as to the significance. A photo and diagram of the same shape of recording device was also put online. Perhaps those papers were amongst those that were burned. Big drops of rain started falling and it got cold very quickly. Its a fair question. She is maybe along Diana because perhaps she wants to be seen in the same light. That would mean ( if you take account of the Nostradamus quattrain that mentions that this will be the last king. This is all going somewhere, and the astrology suggests a split over the monarch their Supreme Governor. The latest report (in last 24 hours) Not sure if its down to the stories written about her that trigger my dislike of meanness and injustice, or if its just an instinctual thing, who knows! Thank you for providing them, as one day this website will be a tiny part of astrological history given what we are about to see in March 2023. As a Sun Virgo man, he had that fated transit in his Fourth House of relatives, ancestors, home town and homeland. Wonder what it all means, but I know it was a meaningful moment. They apparently caused her death but thats just a silly excuse. But asking each individual congregation what they want would at least serve rather than alienate. Yes, Harrys chart shows a stellium in Virgo and we know he suffers from anxiety, so has seen a therapist experienced in dealing with trauma. This has been carefully set up with the Taliban statement in Spare. Jumping forward a few centuries, it has not happened since Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were guillotined and the monarchy abolished in France. I have never seen Charles reigning as King. I also just heard from my colleague Kyra Oser who is one of the most respected psychics and mediums in the world, based in Canada. I am astounded and horrified at the nastiness in the ( especially British) media Jeremy Clarkson /Piers Morgan etc shown to Meghan Markle and that people can be so critical of someone they have never met. So the question does actually arise in March; Who is the King? This comes from the ancient Henry VIII chart. Thats what the astrological chart is showing. I am late to it and dont want to add to your workload but I thought this was interesting and hasnt yet been mentioned. This fits the astrology perfectly. Lots of Henrys ! Change of subject, do you give private reading by any chance? There were more storms later when Meghan told Oprah Winfrey that she and Prince Harry had been married in secret days before, with Archbishop Welby in attendance and those were apparently the vows framed in their home. The psychic elaborated in the e-mail on a vision he had: he saw a black Mercedes driving at high speed through a tunnel and then crashing into one of the pillars. It definitely does seem to be the case that the Commonwealth is an organisation/concept some interests want to see broken apart. Keep up your amazing work:)). Looking forward to March to see what transpires. I wonder if their charts overlaid for Canada at the time would give any clues? A big reason is certainly his own childhood. Harry and Olivia are seen holding hands at a wedding aka one of the most couple-y events you can possibly attend with a significant otherand all hell breaks loose on the . And I do believe that there is great love between the two of them, but it can never be a great love story in most of the publics eyes with the way it played out. It was owned by one of the most important figures in the Romanov dynasty Grand Duchess Vladimir. Ukraine has clearly identified support for Russia and therefore lack of support for them in these regions. The name of Harry and Meghans California mansion is actually Chateau of Riven Rock, not River Rock. He says he cares about his Grandparents and drops an interview with Oprah while his grandfather is sick in hospital. Charles will not become King. He is in a world of extremely charismatic actors and television presenters stars with a lot of power. Perhaps, the importance of Mercury in the Oscars' chart, the planet of communication, gave a nod towards Read more Parallels occur when two planets are at the same declination, both in the north or south. A turning point (in a bad way) for Diana. What happens if the spare is removed from family and friends by his wife and emigrates, vowing never to return? It just does what it does. Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. The old system of age/gender is pretty creaky and this is a firm which seems likely to transform itself with professional rules. I hope so. I see him as a troubled soul who is stuck at age 12 and blames everyone and everything. Or, was the all emeralds tiara the Greville Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara? I think this book has not only exposed the lies that the British press have told but also the lies M&H have told as well. Weve not seen that before in the Harry story. Thats interesting. I have to correct my last comment, albeit a minor point-I said we wait with baited breath, which should be bated breath. Ive not heard of Claire Thomas but I will take a look. Thank you for your amazing work and insights. I woke up this morning to find out Harry has been served by Samantha Markle to attend a deposition under oath in a lawsuit against her sister. Ill talk more about that in a moment. Both Harry and Meghan have condemned Russias war on Ukraine. Ive not read The Guardian today but this is chiming with the astrological chart for the Church of England and Welby himself. Many thanks and gratitude. Though why it should be The Commonwealth, s beyond me, as they didnt want it to start with. Thank you for following up. I noticed you said the word suffocate was supplied by your guide. Enlightening is an understatement, anyone wishing to do so be quick as she is afraid it will be taken down, if youre interested hope you catch it in time I need to find out the truth about the emerald tiara that Meghan allegedly asked to borrow from Her Majesty for the wedding. Also emerald and diamond but a totally different tiara. Thank you. Sometimes the universe has a sense of humour. Pluto in Capricorn (and entering Aquarius) in the final week of March 2023 will end the system as we knew it. There are now questions in circulation about whether M knew or met Prince Andrew, although she said she didnt even recognise him when she met him alongside the Queen and thought he was an employee. Narcissists are over-confident people with massive but fragile egos, thinking that they are smarter than everyone else, and that they are duping them (dupers delight). One very good reason to be unhappy is that you have had Saturn in Aquarius in your life since December 2020, opposing everything you have in Leo in the Fifth House of the bedroom, courtship, children and young people. Some sections are superb, brilliantly ghostwritten and moving. The estates name came from an oak tree near the main gate, which was growing out of and had split a large boulder. I felt compelled to cross reference the comment re the medium Claire Thomas. Any thoughts? And they have been doing so for a while. I know youve mentioned the security services in the past but, surely, she would have been checked out on the quiet or is it a case of they were too busy with the Andrew business plus working as hard as they do foiling all the terrorist plots we dont get to hear about? Everyone agreed. Harry then says Angela Kelly became obstructive. Ive been reading your blog ever since you accurately predicted Covid.