Amazon announced it would redirect some delivery routes and scale back others as a result of the widespread unrest. The documentary Say His Name: Five Days of George Floyd, released in February 2021, contained footage of protests and unrest in a neighborhood of Minneapolis in the five days that elapsed between Floyd's murder and the criminal charges being filed against Derek Chauvin. David Dorn, a 77-year-old retired St Louis police officer. [503], While many U.S. states experienced growth in new cases during the initial wave of protests, these upticks are thought to be attributed to reopenings of workplaces, bars, restaurants, and other businesses. [289] State governments have, since June, announced budget cuts to police departments as well as increased funding to other public safety measures. Critics of the riots argued that the violence took away from the importance of the message, while supporters saidthe demonstrations were necessary in order to be heard. [364], Twitter suspended hundreds of accounts associated with spreading a false claim about a communications blackout during protests in Washington, D.C., or a claim that authorities had blocked protesters from communicating on their smartphones. [226][227], As of June 5, 2020, 2,950 federal law enforcement personnel from a dozen agencies, including the Secret Service, Capital Police, Park Police, Customs and Border Protection, FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, Bureau of Prisons' Special Operations Response Team, DEA's Special Response Team, ATF, and Marshals Service's Special Operations Group, have been dispatched to assist local authorities, with most of them being garrisoned in D.C.[228][229][230][231] The DEA's legal authority was specifically expanded by the Department of Justice beyond usual limits to include surveillance of protesters and the ability to arrest for non-drug related offenses. [162] On June 25, NPR reported that the hopes for passage were doubtful because they were "short-circuited by a lack of bipartisan consensus on an ultimate plan [and] the issue is likely stalled, potentially until after the fall election". ", and "Fuck 12" graffiti on a looted Target store on Lake Street, Minneapolis the morning of May 28, 2020, Protesters in Oakland, California, on May 29, 2020, Police confront protesters near Trump Tower in Chicago on May 30, 2020, Protesters in Washington, D.C., in front of the White House on May 30, 2020, Georgia National Guard medics treat a protester injured by tear gas on June 2, 2020, Protesters in Philadelphia on June 6, 2020, Police brutality protests in the United States, Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 13:37, Federal forces began to be deployed in June 2020, Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, the occupation of George Floyd Square in MinneapolisSaint Paul, fatal use of force by law enforcement officers, George Floyd protests in MinneapolisSaint Paul, List of George Floyd protests in the United States, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, List of George Floyd protests outside the United States, Reactions to the George Floyd protests International, 2020 deployment of federal forces in the United States, Protecting American Communities Task Force, George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, when the looting starts, the shooting starts, National Museum of African American History and Culture, Violence and controversies during the George Floyd protests, List of police violence incidents during George Floyd protests, List of vehicle-ramming incidents during George Floyd protests, List of changes made due to the George Floyd protests, Violence and controversies during the George Floyd protests Reports of extremist activities in the United States, 269 gigabytes of leaked internal law enforcement data, When the looting starts, the shooting starts, Antifa (United States) George Floyd protests (2020). Michael Brown On August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. ACLED, a widely cited source for data on civilian casualties in Yemen, has been a non-partisan monitor of protests and violence in the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America, and launched its US Crisis Monitor in July, citing concerns over hate crimes and rising political violence. The costs have amounted to the costliest period of civil unrest in insurance . Some of the earliest demonstrations, particularly in Minneapolis where Floyd was killed, turned violent,resultingin damages to buildings and other property. State and local officials also made plans to deploy thousands of police officers and National Guard soldiers. ", People not vaccinated against COVID-19 came out the best. [318] Public outrage over the contents of the video became an inflection point that sparked the largest civil-rights protests in U.S. history as Americans confronted topics of structural racism and police reform. ", "Celebration of life planned at George Floyd Square to mark year since he was killed by Minneapolis police", "Derek Chauvin's sentencing sparks relief but also resolve to keep fighting injustice", "Quietly, gradually, George Floyd Square is open to traffic for the first time since his murder", "A Celebration of Life at George Floyd Square", "State Trial Moved To June For 3 Fmr. David Dorn was found . [398] On June 4, 2020, Virginia governor Ralph Northam announced the Robert E. Lee Monument in Richmond would be removed. How 2020 protests changed insurance forever, Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history. The DOJ's complaint alleged that the man had been captured on video dousing the federally-owned Pike statue with a flammable liquid, igniting it as it lay on the ground and using the fire to light a cigarette. Authorities allege Carrillo and an accomplice used the protestas cover for the killing. [455], Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council a veto-proof majority pledged on June 7 to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, despite opposition from Mayor Jacob Frey. [173] Terrance Floyd, George's brother, and other family members rallied voters in support of the candidacy of Joe Biden, and they made an appearance with the Biden family at a campaign event in Tallahassee, Florida. [26] Protests in the aftermath of Floyd's murder were then considered the largest in United States history. What . The post cited an opinion column from the Wall Street Journal and a NYDaily News articleabout protest related deaths. As I've previously summarized, ample research confirms this:. [427][428][429][430] The flag contained the infamous Confederate symbol in the canton (upper left corner) of the flag, and was the last U.S. state flag to do so. [322], A remix of Childish Gambino's song "This is America" and Post Malone's "Congratulations" was used heavily by protesters sharing footage of protests and police action on TikTok. Dorn, a 77-year-old retired St. Louis police officer who served 38 years on the force was shot and killed by looters at a pawn shop early Tuesday,June 2, 2020, police said. The 1992 riots, which followed the acquittal of four police officers in the beating of Rodney King, cost $1.4 billion in 2020 dollars, according to the report, which did not give a specific damage estimate for the Floyd protests. [347] Despite this evidence, U.S. Park Police officials said, "USPP officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park",[348][349] adding that they only used "pepper balls" and "smoke canisters". In sports, the NFL football team in Washington, D.C., dropped the "Redskins" nickname and the MLB baseball team in Cleveland said it would discontinue the "Indians" nickname after the 2021 season and adopt the "Guardians" nickname. 'I've never seen self-reports of protest participation that high for a specific issue over such a short period,' Neal Caren, associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explained to the New York Times. In St Louis, Barry Perkins, a father of two, was killed after being dragged and run over by a FedEx truck during a protest in May. [186], Over the weekend of June 6 and 7, surfers around the world held a "Paddle Out", a Hawaiian mourning tradition, for George Floyd and all the lives lost to police violence. history. District of Columbia A friend of Underwood's said "He was a good man, everybody in the community loved him." [105][106][107][104] About 60% of the local financial losses were uninsured. Based on our research, we rate PARTLY FALSE the claim that Black Lives Matter protesters caused $2 billion worth of damage and faced no consequences. [205] In Canada and France, where Floyd's murder initiated protests, activists were unsatisfied with the levels of reform made by officials at nearly a year after Floyd's murder. Protests have taken place in all U.S. states as well as internationally, so the total number of deaths that have occurred during protestslikely is unknown. [257][258] A project by ProPublica compiled 68 videos during the George Floyd protests of police officers who used what appeared to researchers to be excessive levels of force. [5][106] Private insurance covered less than half of the estimated damages, which had a disproportionate effect on small business owners, many of who were immigrants and people of color. This is not progress.". Images being shared on social media make the claim that six police officers have died in the last 10 days, implying a connection to the protests triggered by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed . [261][262] In Buffalo, three Buffalo Police Department officers were struck by a car, and in Minneapolis, a Minnesota National Guard soldier fired 3 rounds at a speeding vehicle that was driving towards police officers and soldiers. [406][407] BLM activist Shaun King tweeted that statues, murals, and stained glass windows depicting a white Jesus should be removed. [193] Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said, "convicting Chauvin is not enough", and encouraged congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, as well as continued activism ahead of the criminal trials of Lane, Kueng, and Thao and the federal civil rights trial of all four officers. People initially came out to protest systemic racism and police violence, but say the federal response has raised the stakes. Scurlock's death sparked new momentum in protests, with one protester calling him a hero. [241], On June 26, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order permitting federal agencies to provide personnel "to assist with the protection of Federal monuments, memorials, statues, or property". [285], Contrastingly, several mid-June investigations by news agencies including The Washington Post and The Associated Press concluded there was no solid evidence of antifa involvement in causing violence during the protests, contradicting prior claims by law enforcement officials. [95] Some initial acts of property destruction on May 27 by a 32-year-old man with ties to white supremacist organizations, who local police investigators said was deliberately inciting racial tension, led to a chain reaction of fires and looting. Remembering the Lives Lost and Businesses Destroyed During 'Mostly Peaceful' Riots. People killed: In early June, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. [4] A large number of white nationalists did not appear in response to the protests, although "a handful of apparent lone actors" were arrested for attempting to harm protesters. [310], The protests were the subject of extensive media coverage, documentaries, and television specials. It's important to note that not all of the reporteddeaths happened at or duringprotests. Minneapolis officials renamed a stretch two block stretch of Chicago Avenue as George Floyd Perry Jr Place and designated it as one of seven cultural districts in city. [186][184][185], On April 23, 2021, in Austin, Texas, activists rallied outside the state's capitol to call for passage of the Texas George Floyd Actreform legislation introduced to ban chokeholds and require officers to intervene to stop excessive use of forcethat had stalled in the state legislature. The U.S. Justice Department told us it does not have numbers on officer injuries or property damage resulting from civil disturbances. For example, California Governor Gavin Newsom called for new police crowd control procedures for the state, and the banning of the police use of carotid chokeholds, which starve the brain of oxygen. [184][185] Many activists believed that "justice for George Floyd" required changing the systems of policing and criminal justice in a way that would have prevented his murder. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. [382][383] Curfews instated by local governments in response to both the pandemic and protests have also "restricted access to the downtown [areas]" to essential workers, lowering economic output. 31 Dec 2020. Dorian Murrell: Murrell, an 18-year-old Black man, was fatally shot on May 31 following a night of protests in Indianapolis. The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), a professional organization of police leaders in the largest cities throughout the United States and Canada, released a report . The reportwasauthored by the head ofProperty Claim Services, which hastracked protest-related insurance claims for decades. "So yes, Im absolutely fine with some truckers & farmers clogging roads & bridges for freedom. Six of the . Heres why: Some Facebook commenters focused on professional sports leagues support of Black Lives Matter when they read this Facebook post: "BLM injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage and gets celebrated by pro sports?". Follow us on Facebook! a false claim about a communications blackout during protests in Washington, D.C. COVID-19 recession Impact of U.S. protests, List of monuments and memorials removed during the George Floyd protests, List of name changes due to the George Floyd protests, 2020 deployment of federal forces in the United States Founding of PACT, Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, 170 Atlanta police officers walked off of the job, List of police reforms related to the George Floyd protests, List of changes made due to the George Floyd protests Television and streaming, 1968 Democratic National Convention protests, List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States, Mass racial violence in the United States, "Surgeon general: 'You understand the anger', "Why Statistics Don't Capture The Full Extent Of The Systemic Bias In Policing", "Why US protests are so powerful this time", "Why are there protests over the death of George Floyd? 727-821-9494. stated on July 25, 2020 in a Facebook post: Black Lives Matter "injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage. But the post is wrong to say demonstrators faced no consequences. Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction. [386] The protest's first two weeks coincided with a 38% rise in the stock market. [332][333], On May 28, hacktivist group Anonymous released a video to Facebook and the Minneapolis Police Department entitled "Anonymous Message To The Minneapolis Police Department", in which they state that they are going to seek revenge on the Minneapolis Police Department, and "expose their crimes to the world". [19], Organized protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, the day after George Floyd's murder and when a video of the incident had circulated widely in the media. The attack on the U.S. Capitol was based on a "Big Lie" about election fraud in 2020, and the hope of supporters of former President Donald Trump that they could stop the certification of . It was the second-largest city in the state, and one of the most prosperous. "[370] Large amounts of journalistic and academic sources have viewed the protests as forcing Americans to face racial inequality, police brutuality and other racial and economic issues. The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa. Combined, the posts accumulated more than 5,000 shares within a week. People killed: In early June, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. The protests, colloquially known as the"Freedom Convoy," began in late January after the Canadian government started requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for drivers crossing the U.S. border. Local Leaders Are Telling Them to Leave", "Unidentified Federal Agents Are Driving Around Portland in Unmarked Minivans and Grabbing Protesters", "Trump Unleashes His Secret Police in Portland", "Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street we call it kidnapping what is happening now in Portland should concern everyone in the US", "Trump expected to send new federal force to Chicago this week to battle violence, but plan's full scope is a question mark", "Homeland Security Gets New Role Under Trump Monument Order", "It wasn't just a threat: Trump uses Homeland Security to attack BLM protests", "Federal Officers Shoot Portland Protester In Head With 'Less Lethal' Munitions", "Portland mayor demands Trump remove federal agents from city", "G.O.P. His family loved him.. As the New York Times reported July 3, four recent polls "suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. His wife saidhe was "everything for us." Lee Keltner, a navy veteran who made custom western hats, was shot after a patriot rally in Denver on 10 October. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Moment teenager crashes into back of lorry after 100mph police race, Alex Murdaugh unanimously found GUILTY of murder of wife and son, Isabel Oakeshott clashes with Nick Robinson over Hancock texts, Family of a 10-month-old baby filmed vaping open up, Ukrainian soldier takes out five tanks with Javelin missiles, Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History - The New York Times. "[370] Deva Woodly, Associate Professor of Politics at The New School for Social Research, wrote: "We are living in a world-historical moment. [73][74] Floyd repeatedly tells Chauvin "Please" and "I can't breathe", while a bystander is heard telling the police officer, "You got him down. Similar movementshave cropped up across the world, with demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions also taking place in Belgium and the Netherlands. 17,000+ [2] Local protests in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area quickly spread nationwide in more than 2,000 cities and towns, as well as over 60 countries internationally in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. "[458] Despite pledges by city council members to the end the Minneapolis Police Department, a proposed amendment to the Minneapolis city charter which was approved by the Minneapolis City Council on June 26 would only rename the police department and change its structure if approved by voters. "[74] Floyd then goes silent and motionless. ", stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post. In protests seeking justice for George Floyd, a black man killed after a white police officer pinned his knee into his neck, several people have died. [247] The Florida anti-riot law was struck down as unconstitutional by a federal district judge, on the grounds of vagueness, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and due process. [109][110] When Minneapolis city officials attempted to negotiate the re-opening of the intersection in August 2020, protesters demanded that before removing cement barricades the city meet a list of 24 demands,[111] which included holding the trial for the four officers present during Floyd's murder. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. On June 10, thousands of academics, universities, scientific institutions, professional bodies and publishing houses around the world shut down to give researchers time to reflect and act upon anti-Black racism in academia. [357] However, the store in question was actually a Watches of Switzerland outlet that denied anything was stolen. A June 22, 2020,article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. In addition to the people killed while demonstrating, at least 14 more Americans have been killed in other incidents linked to political unrest this summer, including seven people shot during alleged looting of businesses, among them David Dorn, a retired police officer shot during the robbery of a pawn shop in St Louis; two California law enforcement officers murdered by an alleged anti-government Boogaloo extremist, one person found dead in a pawn shop in Minneapolis that had been set on fire; an eight-year-old shot to death in Atlanta; and a Louisville restaurant owner who was shot dead by the national guard.