After the war he became the Commander of the First American Regiment, for a time they only infantry unit in the fledgling army of the independent United States. During 1777, the regiment participated in the Philadelphia Campaign and fought at the Battles of Brandywine (11 Sept.) and Germantown (4 Oct.). The next year, the regiment took part in a number of small engagements in New Jersey and again wintered at Morristown. October 28, 1776 The Battle of White Plains. Reorganized and re-designated 1 January 1, 1777 as the 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. By 1675-1676 a new element appeared in the ranger concept. It performed excellently in a light infantry role at the battle of Harlem Heights on 16 September 1776, but Knowlton suffered a mortal wound. Consolidated and reorganized on July 1, 1778 with the. The origin of the ranger tradition lies in the seventeenth century wars between colonists and Native American tribes. The 13th Pennsylvania Regiment, also known as The Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment and Miles's Regiment, was raised March 6, 1776, as a state militia regiment and later for service with the Continental Army. Participating in a part of the left wing under Nathaniel Green, the Pennsylvanians assist in the defeat of the Hessians under Colonel Rall. Formation [ edit] With knowledge of the land, James and his men were able to secure the bridge before the arrival of Watsons dragoons. 21 Thacher, James, Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War, pp. Relieved in January 1777 from Stirling's Brigade. Redesignated on September 16, 1776 as the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment. The 6th Pennsylvania was then posted there for the next three months and was involved in several brushes with the British. The regiment was officially disbanded in January, 1783, although in reality, no regiment had existed since 1781. RootsWeb is funded and supported by Somewhat similarly, at the end of the war arrearages and allowances due were met by issuing to each soldier still in the service a number of interest-bearing Final Settlements, also called Virginia, The Regiment was authorized on December 9, 1775 in the Continental Army as the 5th Pennsylvania Battalion. The situation was not good. During this period, activist elements among Pennsylvania's population organized local volunteer "associations" that were eventually formed into fifty-three battalions. They took part in campaigns against the Indian towns in northwest Pennsylvania in concert with the Sullivan/Clinton campaign, and again against the hostile Indians in southeast Ohio. At the Battle of Brandywine on Sept. 11, 1777, the regiment was part of the force guarding Chadds Ford until the British diversionary force stormed across the creek and compelled Wayne's Division to withdraw. Captured in part on November 16, 1776 by the British Army at Fort Washington, New York. Relieved on November 18, 1776 from St. Clair's Brigade. Morning arrived and Watson again resumed his march with Marion leading. In the Western Department, the unit helped construct and garrison Fort McIntosh on the Beaver River, and Fort Laurens on the Tuscarawas. . The Regiment was authorized on March 15, 1777 in the Pennsylvania State Troops as Capt. It is notable, however, that during the summer campaign of 1776, thousands of Pennsylvania Associators saw active service in New Jersey. The Pennsylvania Line: Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783 by John B.B. The Regiment was authorized on July 11, 1776 in the Continental Army as a Battalion for frontier defense in the, Designated on July 20, 1776 as Mackay's Battalion. The individuals who volunteered at this time were formed into battalions by county and were known as "Flying Camps" that served on active duty until November 30, 1776. Following a disastrous expedition to Quebec, Canada, and his subsequent capture and parole as a prisoner, Morgan was appointed a colonel of a rifle regiment. Reorganized on January 1, 1783 at Lancaster, to consist of 7 companies in the. As his situation grew more desperate with each passing day, Watson finally decided to retreat. Instead, it protected itself with the passage of temporary laws authorizing organized militias. The Regiment was authorized on August 23, 1776 in the Continental Army as the Northampton and Northumberland Defense Battalion and assigned to the. Northumberland County Revolutionary War Militia Upper Division Associators, 24 January 1776 Commanding Officers: Col. unknown The Regiment was authorized on December 9, 1775 in the Continental Army as the 2d Pennsylvania Battalion. After the British attacked at Long Island, the 1st Continental Regiment covered the retreat the American army. On the brink of war, the Continental Congress passed a resolution on 14 June 1775, on what is known as Flag Day, that six companies of expert riflemen be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia. From these beginnings of the Continental Army, a group of expert riflemen composed of hardy frontiersmen were formed in 1777 into an organization George Washington referred to as The Corps of Rangers. Union County, Pennsylvania Line Regiments and other Pennsylvania Units. Bucks County Associators and a chart showing how the units were organized is available. Many members of the Pennsylvania Navy were entitled to and received Depreciation pay certificates, and, rather curiously, some were paid off with Certificates of the Funded or Militia Debt. In Pennsylvania, the Associators once again stepped up to fill these roles, but the cost and commitment of their near continuous service were growing burdensome. The original commander, Col. John Bull, got into trouble selling furloughs to the men "and other degrading conduct" and was compelled by the other officers to resign. The 7th Pennsylvania was part of the force that attacked the blockhouse under Wayne at Bergen Heights on july 21, 1780. Colonels Colonel William Thompson, Colonel Edward Hand, Colonel James Chambers Companies Largely due to its Quaker roots, Pennsylvania did not initially (like neighboring colonies) form a standing militia. The tranditional ranger usage had only limited application during that later war. Two lieutenants were mortally wounded here and a number of men killed. Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. As circumstances would have it, Rogers, who had never earned the trust of those like George Washington, sought and received a commission from Great Britain, consequently raising and leading the Queens Rangers and Kings Rangers during the American Revolution, flying the Union Jack of Great Britain rather then the red, white, and blue colors of the newly declared American colonies. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. Organized on January 2- late March 1776 at Philadelphia to consist of 8 companies from eastern Pennsylvania. Northampton County Revolutionary War Militia 1st Battalion, 1777 Commanding Officers: Col. George Hubner; 4th Battalion, 1780 Commanding Officers: Lt. Col. Philip Beehm (Boehm) For Bucks County, information has also been provided from the returns for the Committee of Safety (the Associators) for 1775. At Brandywine, the women of the 6th Pennsylvania were cited for their bravery under fire while bringing water to the men. He was replaced by Col. John Phillip DeHaas of Lebanon. Like the Associators, they were volunteers. Scouts abounded about the British regiment. Following a brief skirmish on the narrow land bridge, both sides withdrew. Gen. William Maxwell, which was formed for the fall campaign opposing the British approach toward Philadelphia from the south. To the plantations Whig owner, Watson acknowledged he had never seen such shooting before in his life. While Watson established his headquarters in the plantation house, Marion and his men bivouacked in the woods of the ridge south of the ford. The Continental Army's other light troops sprang from a relatively new European concept not the native American ranger tradition. Crossing the road that led from Murrys Ferry to Kingstree, Watson continued to follow Marion toward Georgetown. 11th Pennsylvania Regiment was officially authorized on October 25, 1776. There is no particular record that the unit was involved in any fighting that summer, but in October, 1779, it had 452 officers and men with Wayne at West Point. In fact, his memoirs published in 1716 by a son are the first American military manual. Pennsylvania Archives volumes and not directly from original archival records. Rangers committed to prolonged enlistment periods and rather than fight the war for independence, they patrolled Pennsylvania's western frontier, often fending off Indian attacks. Organized in spring 1777 at Philadelphia to consist of 8 companies from York, Bucks, Northampton and Northumberland Counties. Armand's remained a shell during 1781, but Lee had great success in the Carolinas carrying out those specific missions for which the 3-3 mix of mounted and dismounted troops had been designed. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. The Regiment then marched to Tappan to bolster the Garrison at Ticonderoga after Arnold's defection. Substitute Fine was paid. Re-designated on January 1, 1777 as the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment. In 1779, a detachment accompanied light infantry troops in the storming of Stoney Point. In certain counties there were recruited special troops calledRangers, who served long enlistments on the frontier against the Indians. Where it was involved in several minor battles and skirmishes. The men of the regiment refused at first to join the mutineers, but were finally forced to when the other troops threatened them at bayonet point and with artillery. These certificates (bonds in the modern sense) were ultimately redeemed at face value. After camping at Valley Forge, the First Pennsylvania saw limited action at Monmouth. Pierce's Certificates. For example, when the 1st Class was called up, the colonel of the 1st Battalion, the lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Battalion, and the major of the 3rd Battalion entered into service commanding the 1st Class active-duty Battalion. A Chronology Of The American Revolutionary War An Ordinance For Regulating The Cloathing Department For The Armies Of The United States The Attempt To Win Over The Hessians The Mutiny Of The Pennsylvania Line The Pox: Ten Times More Terrible Than Britons, Canadians And Indians Together Watson and his men remained where they were, subsisting off the plantation, gathering from those homes around them anything else they needed. This collection is from Record Group 93, War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, and is National Archives Microfilm publication M246. Please enable scripts and reload this page. December 19, 1777 - After an encampment of almost six weeks at Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania the army moved into its winter quarters at Valley Forge where they would remain for the next six months. List of regimental, company and militia units from Pennsylvania in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1782, including infantry, cavalry and artillery units. Allen, William; lieutenant in Colonel Timothy Green's battalion, 1776; wounded at White Plains. The 4th Pennsylvania Regiment was raised December 9, 1775 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for service with the Continental Army. Leaving twenty dead from the engagement, he, the wagons, and the remainder of his regiment forced the ford. Minute Men, on call for special duty at short notice, but no evidence of the existence of such a corps in Pennsylvania survives. Revolutionary Soldiers, thanks again Ed Carsons In April of 1781, Robinson's Rangers had already been involved, as General Potter stated in his letter xiv in a "sharp engagement at Bald Eagle Creek." Little is known of that particular engagement, and perhaps it is the same one related by Van Campen, later. About. Colonel Piper are captured. About; Leadership; Public Information; Contact; Join; . Gen. Anthony Wayne's Division. By March 30, four of the companies had arrived at the American lines in front of Quebec, but before the remainder could come up the attack on the city was abandoned and the battalion started the slow retreat back to New York. It was Maxwell's command which fought the delaying action at Iron Hill on September 3, 1777, when Lt. Col. Francis Gurney was wounded. The regiment would see action during the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown and the Battle of Monmouth. Copyright 2017 | All Rights Reserved, Captain Samual Morehead's Independent Company, Captain Jacob Weaver's Independent Company, Revolutionary War Records at the Pennsylvania State Archives, Pennsylvania Final Payment Vouchers Index for Military Pensions, 1818-1864, Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Prize Cases - Captured Vessels, Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Service Records, Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution : battalions and line, 1775-1783, Pennsylvania Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the American Revolution, List of Soldiers and Widows of Soldiers Granted Revolutionary War Pensions by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Militia in 1777: A Reprint from The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Vol. Morgans Corps of Rangers was coming to fruition. In offensive operations they became scouts and guides, locating targets (such as villages) for task forces drawn from the militia or other colonial troops. Lt. The regiment as a whole seems to have seen its first major action at the Battle of Brandywine, on September 11, 1777, and saw especially hard fighting, taking heavy casualties. 1st United States President, Revolutionary War Mount Vernon, On the brink of war, the Continental Congress passed a resolution on 14 June 1775, on what is known as Flag Day, that "six companies of expert riflemen be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia." Imposing and silent, highly disciplined and trained, impressive in their bright red uniforms, the guards led with bayonets that gleamed and sparkled on the ends of upraised muskets. Benjamin Church (1639-1718) of Massachusetts developed a special full-time unit mixing white colonists selected for frontier skills with friendly Indians to carry out offensive strikes against hostile Indians in terrain where normal militia units were ineffective. This was the second unit raised by the state (the first was "The Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion") and was enrolled for a term of one year. On January 1, 1777, the survivors of the 5th Battalion, along with exchanged prisoners and new recruits, were reorganized into the 6th Pennsylvania. After a settlement was reached, the regiment was furloughed at Trenton on January 17. Organized between January 2- February 11, 1776 at Chester to consist of 8 companies from Chester, Bucks and Lancaster Counties. Reorganized and re-designated on January 1, 1777 as the 7th Pennsylvania Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. Many of the Invalids were subsequently pensioned. When active service occurred, it would have been for only sixty days at a time. The resulting restructuring of the Pennsylvania Line perpetuated a 2nd Regiment among the state's six reorganized units, with Walter Stewart still in command. In response to the Associators' building dissatisfaction, the Provincial Assembly passed a tax on men aged 16 to 50 who did not volunteer, and paid a bonus to those who did. September 11, 1777 The Battle of Brandywine. After spending the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge with the other regiments of the Pennsylvania Line, the 11th Pennsylvania took part in the campaign across New Jersey which followed. Relieved on May 22, 1777 from Stirling's Brigade and assigned to the 1st Pennsylvania Brigade, an element of the. While all of these types of records reflect enrollment in the militia, only the muster rolls of the actual marching companies demonstrate actual service while the fine books and appeal books are evidence of lack of actual service. The (It should be noted, however, that a person serving as a substitute for someone else was not thereby excused from also serving in their own turn.) Unfortunately, when redemption came many of the original holders had long since sold their certificates at heavy discounts. Eight days later, Pennsylvania was directed to raise two additional companies, followed by a third. Pulaski's Independent Legion. Men From the Turloch Militia who Joined Kings Royal Rangers of New York and Butler's Rangers; 1778 List of Men From Pennsylvania who joined the British Army. The sharpshooters were placed at the abutment where they had the clearest shot at the far end of the bridge while the remaining musketeers secured their flanks. The Regiment was authorized on September 16, 1776 in the Continental Army as the 11th Pennsylvania Regiment. Light infantry companies added to the regimental organization of each Continental Army infantry regiment in 1778 also had European roots. Organized between January 2- late March 1776 at Philadelphia to consist of 8 companies from Philadelphia City and Berks, Bucks Chester and Philadelphia Counties. The enlisted men were held by the British until December 26, 1776 when they were set free on parole and, most probably, exchanged for prisoners held by the Continental Forces. A covering force of riflemen were swept aside by Watsons artillery, allowing Watsons guard to ford the stream unopposed. New Hampshire, And, they were still separate from the militias sanctioned by Pennsylvania's Provincial Assembly. who served in the war of the American Revolution, 1775-1783 Gen. Anthony Wayne's Division. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. Later that evening, one of Marions scouts reconnoitered the camp and rode off to warn his brigadier. On June 10, 1777, the Pennsylvania Assembly, following the advice of the Supreme Executive Council of the state, transferred the state regiment to Continental service. Many men listed on company rosters never drilled, and tens of thousands enrolled in the militia never experienced a single day of active duty. It was during this action that the "wives of several of the soldiers belonging to the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment took the empty canteens of their husbands and friends and returned them filled with waterduring the hottest part of the engagement, although frequently cautioned as to the danger of coming into the line of fire.". For example, what had been Colonel White's 1st York County Battalion continued to be made up of the same men, but could now be designated as perhaps Colonel Black's 7th York County Battalion. Unfortunately, neither this stick nor the carrot achieved the desired results. November 16, 1776 - Formerly known as the 5th Pennsylvania Battalion the entire unit was captured at Fort Washington, New York. The regiment would see action during the Battle of Valcour Island, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Battle of Springfield. Your new password must contain one or more uppercase and lowercase letters, and one or more numbers or special characters. Rogers wrote the 19 standing orders that are still in use today. Most crucial to the American Revolutionary War effort was the fact that between 15 August 1780 and 8 September 1781, Marion and his men alone held eastern South Carolina from the British. The 7th Pennsylvania was present at Whitemarsh but did not fight. The company commanders could also change. USA. . Weve updated the security on the site. It sustained casualties at Paoli on Sept. 21, including one officer killed, and at the Battle of Germantown it was the left flank of the American troops attacking the British center that was mistakenly fired on by other American troops. After wintering at Valley Forge the regiment was assigned to the Western Department, headquartered at Fort Pitt. The regiment spent the winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge and took part in the Battle of Monmouth (28 June) the following summer. This was in spite of the fact that he "is detested by the officer's of his brigade because he makes his brigade work and personally drills and instructs it, instead of leaving it idle in camp. Gen. Anthony Wayne's division. The mix of mounted and dismounted men gave it somewhat greater staying power in independent firefights while also allowing rapid forced marches (each light infantryman held on to a dragoon's stirrups). Organized between February 7- March 17, 1776 at Reading, Pennsylvania, with personnel from Berks County. Another form of line service was with theCorps of Invalids. Advancing his main force as support, Marion again ordered Horry to charge. In the original concept rangers were full-time soldiers employed by the colonial governments to "range" between fixed frontier fortifications as a reconnaissance system to provide early warning of hostile raids. The 7th Pennsylvania fought at Middlebrook, New Jersey on June 17. Seven miles later at Ox Swamp, he encountered destroyed bridges and an abatis across the causeway. We have set your language to Black regimental hats are bound up in yellow.Records of deserters in 1777-78 show however, men clad in various color regimental coats and hunting shirts. It was the last regiment to leave Long Island. The distance from bank to bank was the perfect sharpshooter distance, fifty yards. Shortly afterward, the Regiment helped delay Cornwallis before the Battle of Princeton. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website. It then reported to march with the army under Col. Arthur St. Clair and was involved at Three Rivers on June 9. Contrary to common belief, none of the lands granted to veterans by the federal government were located in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine 23 (No. From 1776 to 1781, Rogers obtained an additional seven Battle Honors for his famed Rangers, but, unfortunately, under the flag of the Queens and Kings Rangers, The American revolutionaries were not without their Rangers, despite Rogers support of the Crown. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Much of the information provided below was extracted by former archivist Henry James Young, and also possibly by archivist Marvin Schlegel, during the 1940s and 1950s from published entries in the various series of the Eighty years after becoming the United States of America, the nation suffered a Civil War. [1] For a full account of the social factors and legislation that this article draws from, see Arthur J. Alexander, "Pennsylvania's Revolutionary Militia," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 69:1 (January 1945 ), 15-25. The 12th Pennsylvania Regiment also known as Northumberland Defense Battalion was raised August 23, 1776 at Sunbury, Pennsylvania as a state militia regiment and later for service with the Continental Army. There is a problem with your email/password. With France entering the conflict on the side of the new United States in May, the British abandoned Philadelphia and moved across New Jersey to the more easily defended stronghold of New York City. As Thompson's Rifle Battalion, the regiment participated in the siege of Boston. During the winter of 1776-1777 the Association collapsed, and the Assembly replaced it with a militia system which, though imperfect, proved better adapted to Pennsylvania's needs. Joshua Huddy, who was every bit as feared by loyalists as Tye was by patriots.